How to Get Coaching Clients Without Joining an Expensive Programme

When I first started out in the coaching space, this very question, how to get coaching clients bogged me down time after time. 

I wondered if there was anyone out there who could just hand me a recipe that I could use to  get those clients, and get them quickly!

I searched, and searched hard enough, only to stumble across people who didn’t know how to get coaching clients, but they knew how to lie to those looking for that answer.

And today, here you are, perhaps, in a similar situation to mine, asking the same question, how to get coaching clients? And the last thing I’d want for you, is to fall into the trap of signing up with these expensive programmes that are designed only to lure you in, so they can take away your hard earned cash, and then, have the audacity to tell you it’s your fault that you are not getting coaching clients.

Insisting that what they are teaching you works, it’s just your inability to implement it that causes a problem. When quite frankly, a lot of what they teach is impractical, and often, requires even more money to implement. Which they will never tell you to begin with.

Today, I’ve set out to put a full stop to programmes like these.

I am hoping that all those who read this article, will learn to see that you don’t need expensive programmes to launch a successful coaching business. What you need is something totally different, and startling even.

Curious? Excited?

Of course you have every reason to be, and I can’t wait any longer to share this with you.

So let’s get started!

3 Powerful Tips on How to Get Coaching Clients

  1. There ain’t no blueprint: No, no, and no. There is no blueprint out there that can help you get coaching clients. Sorry, it doesn’t exist, no matter how much anyone would argue with you on that point. And how am I so confident about it? Because of one simple truth. Every individual is unique, they live in a unique life setup, with unique abilities; what may work for one individual, won’t necessarily work for the other. Which means, if you end up comparing yourself to others and feel like a failure, that would totally be a lie. And I don’t want you to ever think of yourself as a failure. Never, ever, ever. So I’d like to encourage you to stop chasing what doesn’t exist. Ha! Do you notice how freeing that is? You can stop chasing the answer, because the answer doesn’t exist, at least not in the way you have been looking for it. Now with that out of the way, we can dive into point number two which is going to blow your mind.
  1. People are attracted to people: Read that again, what did I just say? People are attracted to people! Just look at how practical this stuff is. As a child you were attracted to one type of individual and not attracted to another. Which is what made for the type of friends you had, and that’s true even today isn’t it? You won’t choose to work with a colleague or a boss who you’re not attracted to in some way. You won’t choose to buy from a brand that you’re not attracted to, you will not even consider what they have to offer, if you don’t already know them and like them.

    Why do you think this would be any different when it comes to coaching and getting coaching clients? It’s not! Which brings us to the third and last point in this article. I promise it will deliver the answer you have been looking for; how to get coaching clients.
  1. Become available, that’s how you get clients: Is it really that simple? Yes, it is really that simple. You don’t have to break the bank, you don’t have to get another MBA, you don’t have to waste months or years trying to figure it all out. You can just begin today! And do what? Become available. Now, here’s a little explanation on what I mean by that. You see, many coaches, when they start their business, are so excited about the idea of having a business, that they forget the important part – implementation. So they go about getting those professional headshots, cards, websites, landing pages, memberships, and whatnot. They do everything but one thing, show up. Become visible, become available.

    You see, your ideal coaching clients are people, and remember point number one, people are attracted to people. Which means, more than your visiting cards, and your websites you have to be putting yourself out there. Which, surprisingly, many coaches still don’t do. They hide behind their websites, and they hide behind the excuse that I have just signed up for this new business building programme, which means I am taking action, and I will get there one day. But the truth is, within themselves is one voice that is stopping them from doing the real thing – showing up, becoming available. Letting people become aware of them, letting people know them, and be open to being criticized, not liked, not approved of. This is what they avoid.

    They hide behind business programmes, hoping they will somehow be able to find the recipe to escape being disliked, or coming across as not good enough. But, the good news is, there is no such recipe, because not everyone is going to like you. The sooner you move past this truth, the sooner you will become open to seeing the other side to the story. When you become visible, you become open not just to your critics , but also to your fans. People who will love you and like you for your message, respect you for your service, and who will have no problem saying yes to getting help from you.

    How simple is that? If a flower never blossomed, how would anyone have a chance to see it, smell it, and appreciate it for what it is?

    So it goes with you; you must blossom, you must show up, you must become visible, for when you do, in all your glory, just as bees are attracted to flowers, people will be attracted to you, your truth, and your authenticity.

Now, tell me, why would you ever need to join an expensive coaching business programme, when all you have to do really is blossom?

At the end of the day, people might like you or hate you, but it won’t make any difference, when you know, that when you show up, when you are available to be criticised, you also become available to those who will appreciate you for who you are, and that’s what makes all the difference.

In short, put becoming visible, or becoming available, at the forefront;  think of it as your number one business building strategy. Then whether you’re doing social media, or a website, or videos, you’re doing it with purpose, you’re doing it to be known for who you are and what you stand for. 

And as you do this consistently, the bees will come flocking in numbers, and you’ll be the one serving them with the nectar of your wisdom, your expertise, and your support.

This was the turning point in my career as a coach, and I was so excited about it that I went on to create Succeed From The Start, so that no one ever has to feel like a failure again. 

In a way, I suppose I rebelled against the players who were always committing fouls, and founded something I, and many others, are totally delighted to be a part of.

Want a piece of the pie? Why not book a quick discovery call, and I’ll tell you more about Succeed From The Start and what we stand for.

P.S. Please don’t pay huge sums to programmes, you simply don’t have to. If you’re still not convinced, here’s the complete story.

Angela Roth
Founder – Succeed From The Start
‘We’re there for you’ is our mantra. Whether you need support to start your coaching business, gain early feedback and testimonials, or need digital tools for success, we’ve got all bases covered. But more importantly, we’ll support you when the going gets tough, and also applaud and celebrate your victories. Come join us, and we’ll show you what it means to truly Succeed From The Start.